Saturday, 28 January 2012

Preliminary Task.

What I learned from the preliminary task:

One thing I definitely learned from my preliminary task was that we must have everything prepared before hand. Preparation is really the key to everything, having everything organised, from the smallest thing to the biggest thing, is very crucial.

I also learned that we must give ourselves enough time to film and we must film enough footage in order to edit and use different shots.

Artist Choice.

We decided to pick Paolo Nutini because he isn't the usual type of person you get in the mainstream music industry. His character is different from others and he also isn't from America, he is from Scotland which is different. We basically wanted to go for someone different and someone that isn't in the media eye all the time.

Analysis of previous student work.

Last year this music video was made by a group of students at Coombe. The song is by Joshua Radin and the song is called 'One of Those Day's'
The opening shot is very strong, it is the close up of the main actors eyes and then it quickly cuts away to a mid shot of his hands and the guitar. The shots are very dominant because of the way it has been edited. The shots appear very fast and are different. Then when you see the shots of the rain this feel the sense of the genre. Although using letters in music video is a common thing, in this it is done very well, the appear on screen just as they are spoken and they are in a very good font that attracts good attention. However the lip syncing has not been done so great which slightly puts the viewer off. The fact that in the music video there is more than one individual, it becomes more interesting and you want to carry on watching to see what more may appear. Each shot has been done very clearly, there is nothing that is out of place and it has all been put together very neatly. The shots of firework have been done very well, they have an establishing shot as well as a close up. The shots are great of all the people that are in it, it is different to have so many people appear in one music video but it is also good. And the ending of the music video is very good where they end in slow motion of him playing the guitar and it blacks out after. 

The Script Album Artwork Analysis.

This album artwork is by far one of my favourites. It is very unusual but very nice. You have one solid background colour but the objects in the image are what make it very interesting. For example you have a random suitcase with a girl sitting on it. Then you have rainbow colours coming out a musical object which brightens up the cover. You have miniature buildings and you clothes inside the suitcase and a hand popping out. All these things make the cover unusual but very interesting which makes it good. 

Chris Brown Album Artwork Analysis.

This is the album artwork of Chris Brown's latest album 'Fame'. This is the second album released after his incident with Rihanna and in this album, the songs are very different to the usual songs he produces however, this album has been a big hit. If you analyse each image you will notice that they images have been repeated, and that not all are different pictures. A few of them, other than the big main image, are of Brown himself. However, those that are not of him are unusual images, for example of the yellow baby image on the right. These images portray the artistic side to Brown's personality.

3 Doors Down Album Art Analysis.

This is the album artwork for an American band called 3 Doors Down. This artwork is a very different type of cover. It is a very strong, eye catching cover. It seems to be more gory than peaceful. It looks like doomsday is arriving. However, how the editing of this image has been done is very good. The clouds look perfect and the birds show a very strong image. They are not sweet peaceful birds, in fact they are vicious birds. The dominating imagery in this is the building, it is placed perfectly in the middle and it larger than any other object in the picture. This cover in one way shows the beauty of the objects in the image, however at the same time it shows the horrific side to the objects in the image.